It's About Morality, Stupid

The Evangelical community has been foolish out-sourcing its morality based agenda to a devil who keeps one hand in their wallet and the other down their pants. Pretty soon the Evangelical community is going to realize that the right wing politicians in this country answer to the almighty dollar, not the almighty. Evangelical environmentalists who in recent months have gained traction and attention by making Creation Stewardship a moral priority are already feeling the wrath of their more politically connected pro-business brethren who fear their influence (and their slush funds) being threatened.
I have always lived under the code that a thief is a thief, and whether your victim is your neighbor or yourself there is always consequence. I beleive we are witnessing this consequence today as a steady stream of disgraced politicians head to jail. And the fact is that behind these corrupt politicians and partisan hit men lie the MANY accomplices and enablers who tolerate and even encourage morally bankrupt behavior as long as they believe these activities will result in a net gain for the "good guys" -- which is how the arrogant universally perceive themselves. The problem is this -- liars and thieves inevitably end up in bed with other liars and thieves. The road to hell may be paved with good connections but good connections backed by bad behavior gets you to hell an awful lot faster.
The Evangelicals are hardly less scary than the politicians they endorse. One can only hope that, in their race for the domination of the world, Neocons and Evangelicals' agendas will destroy each other.
I giggle at the Evangelical indignation for the Foley case, but when that scandal will be forgotten, we are left with the old and terrifying creationism of extremist ideas.
When looking into the Evangelical Stewardship movement it was pretty disturbing to see how isolated and flattened any viewpoint from the left has become in certain parts of the United States. I read an interview with Howard Dean recently and he asserted that one of his prorities for the Democratic party is to bring the debate back to all 50 states. His view is that the party had abandoned all the states and juristictions that were not politically competetive and in doing so had helped radicalize the right by offering no alternative -- even in debate. The fact that the environmental divide can be painted as spotted owles vs. people is clear evidence of this point. Sustainable energy, land use, etc. is about the slow dime over the quick nickel but how many people have been seen in these debates (in logging country) clearly discussing this point of view?
who owns the federal reserve bank?
who indeed. not the american people that's for sure. it's interesting how many politicans and businessmen tout democracy when the decisions that inform most of our institutions are actually made in private under a government sanctioned cloak of secrecy.
Well, it's a good surprise to discover the american world of blogs beginning from a so intelligent and bright one. Generally I've got a little bit of prejudice on american people, may be for the adolescents crowd riding my city, may be for the old govern men riding all the world. But not all the american are bad as we figure out. Thank you for remembering to me this simple truth. I apologize for my bad english.
Hey were an asshole when I knew you 25 years still seem to be an asshole. Your moment has passed dickhead...why don't you run down to the Sycamore Store and buy me a soda you moron.
Ah Anonymous, I see you too are much the same. Memories.
who do you figure anon is re 25 years ago sycamore store? And why no new entries? May I suggest psycho canadian women?
signed, Eugene the true B
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